6 years ago
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Korea Pusan Mission
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Caleb the Missionary- The End
Monday, August 16, 2010
Upon saying good bye to people, Koreans tend to turn to food to satisify their sadness. Yesterday was my last day in my last area and we basically ate from the time church ended until we got home at 9:00 that night with a slight break where we thought we were going to knock doors but then got a phone call from our investagator saying we need to go eat. By the end of the day we both had headaches from all the food. It was a good week. We basically got a baptismal date with our 2 investagators for next transfer. It was a really good lesson.
Even though it is the end of my mission I am still learning things about Korean culture. For example, most would never guess what an influentual roll the TV show Macguyver played in Asia. When it first came to Asia, Koreans sucked it up and most of all the older people know exactly who he is. It was then in reruns a few years back and so now everyone and their dog knows and loves Macguyver. A Swiss army knife is in fact call a Macguyber knife here. A fitting name for all it's many uses. The think I learned something this week I always have wondered about. Why do so many asian kids have mullet haircuts? My companion informed me that it is not called a mullet but "Macguyver style" You can go into any barber and he will know what a Macguyver style is. Koreans are so funny. Sometimes I will just start humming the Macguyver theme song and someone will point it out all excited. Korea is amazing. See you the end of this week!
Even though it is the end of my mission I am still learning things about Korean culture. For example, most would never guess what an influentual roll the TV show Macguyver played in Asia. When it first came to Asia, Koreans sucked it up and most of all the older people know exactly who he is. It was then in reruns a few years back and so now everyone and their dog knows and loves Macguyver. A Swiss army knife is in fact call a Macguyber knife here. A fitting name for all it's many uses. The think I learned something this week I always have wondered about. Why do so many asian kids have mullet haircuts? My companion informed me that it is not called a mullet but "Macguyver style" You can go into any barber and he will know what a Macguyver style is. Koreans are so funny. Sometimes I will just start humming the Macguyver theme song and someone will point it out all excited. Korea is amazing. See you the end of this week!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Last week of Missionary service
Hello! So this is my last week of missionary work in my area. Next week Monday is transfers so the new elder will come and I am bumped out for a week. Anyway, point is that things are coming to an end quick and it is frightening. This week was really good. We had branch conference and since we are the branch presidency we had to organize and invite people. We had 21 people show up which was really good for this area. We had our two older couple investigators show up and it was a really good experience for them to see the branch functioning under the stake. 강병철(the husband) is still trying to quit smoking which is nearly the only thing keeping them from being baptized. 이금녀(the wife) and I had a really nice chat after Church during lunch (*note: Koreans often have lunch after church with the whole ward). She thanked me for the small time that I have served in this area and said that she will tell God that I taught her when we all meet him together. She also promised to call me when she gets baptized. Such an amazing couple. She is working on getting her son to come to church and take the lessons and fully believes that he will be baptized and that her line of members will go on forever. You may be able to tell but she reads a lot of the Liahona (church magazine) Ha. Amazing couple who have been slowly prepared for years. It is amazing to see this work go forward.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Less than 3 weeks left
Hello! Today we went and visited a famous village out a ways and so now I unfortunately don't have much time. This week was good. We have been able to meet a few new people and we are still having success with less-actives in the area. I love this area and I am sad that I only have a few weeks left. This work is amazing. We see so many modern day miracles and tender mercies of the Lord. The church is true. I love you all and am praying for you! This gospel is so amazing and is really fun to study. I wish I had more time to just sit down and study the gospel. Naturally we do as missionaries but only an hour a day by ourselves and it always is left wanting. Love you all!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Branch Presidency
Hello, I'm going to have to make this short because of time. This week the branch presidency changed and we were put it. My companion is Branch president and I am the counseler. Small branch. This week we had an amazing 23 people out to church. Usually we run around 10-13 so this week was pretty darn good. We had 3 investigators come out to church as well. An old couple and a high school student. The old couple said that they plan on coming out every week and they should be baptized soon after the husband gets over his word of wisdom issues. They are a miracle and I wish I had time to talk more about them but just know that the work is going forward!
Elder Anderson
Elder Anderson
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jehovah Witnesses
This last week was good as they usually are. Unfortunately our best two investigators have been having some health problems which has prevented them from meeting with us this whole week. We were however able to meet with some other investigators that have not been able to meet for a while due to school. It is now school vacation so it will be easier to meet with students. The problem is that when it comes to Korean High School they don't really have school vacations. It is just not all day like usual. I can't believe how much they study. It is an insane competition to enter Collage and so they have to take school seriously very early.
We were also able to have some really good lessons with less actives including two that ended up coming to church this week after along time of absence. One of them has been meeting with Jehovah's Witnesses every week. We actually have had some interesting experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses this week including meeting them with this investigator and getting invited to their church or "Kingdom Hall" for a tour and a religious chat. It was a very educational experience and once again solidified my belief that this is Christ"s living church. I especially love that we don't have to guess or rely on the words of ordinary men. We have the words of prophets, new and old, that clear up and testify of doctrine. When we met with our less-active man, he prayed at the end and truly asked which church he should be going to. The spirit testified to all of us there that this is the true church. Missionary work is amazing. Elder Anderson
Monday, July 12, 2010
Just a few more weeks in Korea
Hello family! I am now settled into my new area. It has been a little strange. We actually had to go back to my old area on Saturday to help out with the mini MTC that we planned but everyone that planned it wasn't going to be there on that day so they asked me to go back. Saying bye wasn't too hard as I was there only one transfer.
I had a really good last talk with an ex-preacher who likes talking with us. Naturally he knows more than us pertaining the Bible but it was really amazing how much I know and have known since I was 5 that astonishes even the greatest of scholars. He likes to talk about salvation with me and I was able to have a good 30 minute one- on- one talk with him while elder Kim was helping out the family. We sat on the couch and talked about salvation. We didn't use many scriptures as we both know what they say but we talked like I have always wanted to talk to a preacher.
He loved me and wanted to adopt me so he was willing to truly listen to what I had to say and I had a lot of respect for him and his family so I felt like I was also willing to actually have a talk with him. Too often we get into conversations with other churches and there is no level of trust or respect and that can quickly turn into an argument. Nearly his first question was, "Have you received salvation?" I didn't answer immediately as I have never really thought about salvation like a thing you can receive here on this Earth. I explained that only after judgement can we truly receive salvation. He told me that he has received salvation for sins that he has committed and ever will committed. That was quite the claim so we chatted more about works and grace. I didn't have to point out any scriptures for him to know exactly where they were but his claim with that was that if we have received salvation we will naturally do good works. I then asked him a question that popped into my mind. "So what if a preacher like yourself went out and killed his wife?" His eyes went wide and he asked "Did you see the news yesterday? That happened!" I then went on amazed where the conversation was going and asked if that preacher who no doubt believed in Jesus will receive salvation. He leaned back, shook his head, and said, "I don't think so."
I was then really able to talk about acts and that if he does not receive salvation it will be because of his acts. I was able to be fairly blunt with him because of our relationship and the fact that my Korean isn't that great so I can't smoothly get around things. I explained that Satan also believes in Jesus but it is because of his actions that he cannot receive salvation. He nodded his head and mumbled "Satan believes in Jesus..." It was a pretty fun lesson. Unfortunately his still is stuck on his old church and doesn't want to change. I think he now has an answer to some of his questions. I really felt like I was being led by the spirit to answer his questions so I believe that God still wants him to find the fullness of truth. Missionary work is amazing. I am so glad that I have been given this opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. An-dong is amazing and I am really excited to serve here with elder 진(Gien). The church is true.
Elder Anderson
I had a really good last talk with an ex-preacher who likes talking with us. Naturally he knows more than us pertaining the Bible but it was really amazing how much I know and have known since I was 5 that astonishes even the greatest of scholars. He likes to talk about salvation with me and I was able to have a good 30 minute one- on- one talk with him while elder Kim was helping out the family. We sat on the couch and talked about salvation. We didn't use many scriptures as we both know what they say but we talked like I have always wanted to talk to a preacher.
He loved me and wanted to adopt me so he was willing to truly listen to what I had to say and I had a lot of respect for him and his family so I felt like I was also willing to actually have a talk with him. Too often we get into conversations with other churches and there is no level of trust or respect and that can quickly turn into an argument. Nearly his first question was, "Have you received salvation?" I didn't answer immediately as I have never really thought about salvation like a thing you can receive here on this Earth. I explained that only after judgement can we truly receive salvation. He told me that he has received salvation for sins that he has committed and ever will committed. That was quite the claim so we chatted more about works and grace. I didn't have to point out any scriptures for him to know exactly where they were but his claim with that was that if we have received salvation we will naturally do good works. I then asked him a question that popped into my mind. "So what if a preacher like yourself went out and killed his wife?" His eyes went wide and he asked "Did you see the news yesterday? That happened!" I then went on amazed where the conversation was going and asked if that preacher who no doubt believed in Jesus will receive salvation. He leaned back, shook his head, and said, "I don't think so."
I was then really able to talk about acts and that if he does not receive salvation it will be because of his acts. I was able to be fairly blunt with him because of our relationship and the fact that my Korean isn't that great so I can't smoothly get around things. I explained that Satan also believes in Jesus but it is because of his actions that he cannot receive salvation. He nodded his head and mumbled "Satan believes in Jesus..." It was a pretty fun lesson. Unfortunately his still is stuck on his old church and doesn't want to change. I think he now has an answer to some of his questions. I really felt like I was being led by the spirit to answer his questions so I believe that God still wants him to find the fullness of truth. Missionary work is amazing. I am so glad that I have been given this opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. An-dong is amazing and I am really excited to serve here with elder 진(Gien). The church is true.
this is what you do if the bugs bother you |
Elder Anderson
Sunday, July 4, 2010
off to my 7th area and 15th Companion
Hello! This week we had quite the surprise. We got 2 transfer calls and our area will be replaced with Sisters next transfer. I will be going to 안동(aun-dong) to serve my last transfer. Elder Kim is off to 경주. I was only able to serve in 구미(gu-mi) for one transfer but life changes. That is something that I have come to love. Change. 안동 is the furthest area north in our mission and covers an enormous land mass. It is a small branch of about 15 people. My next and last companion will be a Korean, Elder 진(Gean), I am excited. I will still be in the same district so I will be able to help the sisters if they need. It was quite the surprise for us and the ward but I think that the sisters coming here will have a lot of things they can do that we could not. It will be good. We both gave our little talk in church that we give if we come or go. It was sad to leave. I really tried to get to know the ward quick because I knew I did not have much time but this was even less than i expected. Elder 진 will be my 15th companion and I will go to my 7th area. This week was pretty good. We had some good appointments with a lot of people. We had 2 investigators come to church and both should be baptized within a month or two. I was a good full week. I cant believe that I only have a transfer left. I guess you just have to follow Brigham Young's teachings, "Work hard or go to Hell" Simple right? :) Love you all!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My last transfer.....
Hello once again from Korea! Yes, I know that you are all wallowing in despair after Korea lost to Paraguay in the world cup but cheer up, there is always next time. Besides, I heard America is doing well. I really want to learn how to play soccer. I am fairly coordinated with my hands but my feet just aren't that good at kicking a ball. Hopefully I can fix that someday. So this is the last week of the transfer. Elder Kim with probably be transferring but we are not 100%. Who ever comes will be my last companion. Pretty crazy. Fight till the finish. Recently we have been meeting a man named 성기웅(song kee oong) He is a owner of a small academy for Jr High school students. He is a really religious man and we have meet him quite a few times. He has a wife and 3 daughters which is quite a big family for Koreans. We have talked a lot about the book of Mormon with him and the plan of salvation. He enjoys listening to us but has not yet accepted our invitation to read and pray about it. He really likes the book of Mormon because it is similar to the Bible and it teaches about Jesus. He has also been talking to his wife about it but because they both work all the time it is really hard to meet the family together. That is our goal right now. This gospel has blessed so many people's lives in so many different way. Everyone needs it. He is a pretty funny guy. He is thinking about moving his family to Canada to drive truck as it pays better than his job right now. We also have a different kid that we are currently working with who is progressing but then didn't show up to church like he promised and we haven't been able to get a hold of him since then. We are praying for him lots. The work is going along well. This is the true church and I am so glad that I have the opportunity to teach it to the people I can. Korea is amazing.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A baptism
Hello! I hope that everyone is still paying attention to the World Cup even though Korea lost. I know, it was fairly upsetting, but that is no reason to turn it off completely. I hear America is doing well. If Korea wins their next game they will be able to move on to the actual tournament. Korea is so into it not because they are that into soccer, in fact most of the people I have talked to do really watch soccer except for when Korea is warring against a different nation. It is amazing what sports do to a people. Anyway, soccer was hardly the highlight of this week. 이돟하(ee dong ha) got baptized this week! It was really good. Everything went so smoothly and it was a very spiritual experience. He is a good kid and will be very blessed as everyone is when they get baptized. It is quite the commitment. Saturday was a pretty crazy day for us. 2:00-4:00 was president interviews. 4:00-5:00 was a ward primary activity. 5:00-6:00 was the baptism. 6:00-7:00 was a meeting where president Jennings came and spoke to our ward about the "to the rescue" program. 7:00-9:00 was a ward dinner where the youth sold food and random items to raise money to go to a Korea wide EFY next month. They are pretty excited about it and I definitely think it is worth it for youth to go. It was a good week full of spiritual experiences.
Elder Anderson
Elder Anderson
Monday, June 14, 2010
Preparing for a baptism!
Surprise! Preparation-day has in fact changed back to Monday and so I will be sending e-mails at the old time again. Sorry for not letting you know last week, totally forgot to mention that minor detail. Anyway, I hope is all going well back home. This week was really good for us. There have been very few times on my mission that I have sat down and studied chapter 11 of Preach My Gospel (how to get people ready for baptism) but this week there is a need. 이동하(ee doeng ha) has a baptismal date for this Saturday! He is a 20 year old boy who has been coming to church for around 3 years now and moved to our area at the beginning of this year. We went though and taught him everything and he accepted a baptismal date after refusing a few times. He really feels like people care about him in our ward. He is not very socially mature which makes it easy for people to not get along with him but our ward has done a really good job of friend shipping him and helping him progress. Hopefully everything goes down as planned. We have a few other people that we are working with who we are also really excited for. I really like this area and my companion is pretty amazing. I hope to have more good reports for you all next week. We have been pretty busy which makes things really nice. I hope all is well back home!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
America is just no fun.......
I like Korea in so many funny different ways. When I pass by a construction sight and have to dodge the back-hoe and jump over the rubble I can't help but think that America is just no fun. Always having to watch out for motorcycles while walking on the side walk makes you always have to be thinking which is a good thing. Sometimes thinking is not what you want to be doing, usually while eating. Usually the food is really good but sometimes not, the weird thing is that I kind of enjoy eating crazy foods just to say that I can.
If the Amazing Race is still going on I think that dad and I should try to sign up. I was thinking about that this week as we were rushing from one appointment to another and I kind of realized how funny I must look. A white guy running around with a backpack in the backstreets of Korea. I love Korea. I hope everyone is preparing properly for the World Cup. I tell a lot of people that I have a friend serving in South Africa and they just go off on how they want to go down and watch it. Korea is way into Soccer and Base Ball. I'm still not sure why Asians are so into baseball but more power to them.
This week was really good. Our stake has devised a plan to teach all the members all the lessons in a matter of about 5 months. We will be meeting with our ward to fully plan out how they want it is to be done. We are going to have to split to cover everyone and not have it take up all of our time. I am really excited. We have been teaching quite a bit lately and I feel like both Elder Kim and I are improving. We are working well. I am excited about the potential in this area and pray for the ability to help. I love this work. By the way I just took a body test at the city hall and am in the average area in everything. Basically i am really healthy right now and i am really grateful for it. Love you all!
Elder Anderson
If the Amazing Race is still going on I think that dad and I should try to sign up. I was thinking about that this week as we were rushing from one appointment to another and I kind of realized how funny I must look. A white guy running around with a backpack in the backstreets of Korea. I love Korea. I hope everyone is preparing properly for the World Cup. I tell a lot of people that I have a friend serving in South Africa and they just go off on how they want to go down and watch it. Korea is way into Soccer and Base Ball. I'm still not sure why Asians are so into baseball but more power to them.
This week was really good. Our stake has devised a plan to teach all the members all the lessons in a matter of about 5 months. We will be meeting with our ward to fully plan out how they want it is to be done. We are going to have to split to cover everyone and not have it take up all of our time. I am really excited. We have been teaching quite a bit lately and I feel like both Elder Kim and I are improving. We are working well. I am excited about the potential in this area and pray for the ability to help. I love this work. By the way I just took a body test at the city hall and am in the average area in everything. Basically i am really healthy right now and i am really grateful for it. Love you all!
Elder Anderson
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Still making language blunders......
Hello! I am now settled into my new area of gu mi. It is a really nice area with lots to do. The ward is solid and is made up of mostly returned missionaries and so they kind of know how things are supposed to be done. It is good to have people expecting things of you. My companion, Kim gyeong soo, is a really good missionary and is naturally really good at Korean. I am continually learning and am never perfect at everything. Yesterday we had Zone Conference where so many people I know gave their mission farewell talks. Sad that we have to go. Yesterday we had our meeting with the ward mission leader and we were talking about the youth programs. I then meant to ask if they talked about spiritual things when they meet during the week but rather I asked if they talked about sexual things when they meet. oops, still make mistakes. You can usually tell you made a mistake by the surprised look on peoples faces when you get done talking.
In this area there is a 20 year old the missionaries have been meeting for a while and should be baptized soon although there still isn't a date. We also have met quite a few less actives and one member referral! The members hear are really willing to help out the work in the area. We had 65 people out to church this week which was quite a different feel from my last area of 20 on average. Lots of peoples names to memorize, whew. It is kind of funny because my companion is 28 but everyone still thinks I am older that he. Most people put me from 27-32 when they guess. Its OK because Korean 20 year olds still look like they are 15 to me. Strange how that works between countries.The gospel is still being spread. It is true and amazing. We are so blessed to live in a time when the fullness of the gospel is restored!
In this area there is a 20 year old the missionaries have been meeting for a while and should be baptized soon although there still isn't a date. We also have met quite a few less actives and one member referral! The members hear are really willing to help out the work in the area. We had 65 people out to church this week which was quite a different feel from my last area of 20 on average. Lots of peoples names to memorize, whew. It is kind of funny because my companion is 28 but everyone still thinks I am older that he. Most people put me from 27-32 when they guess. Its OK because Korean 20 year olds still look like they are 15 to me. Strange how that works between countries.The gospel is still being spread. It is true and amazing. We are so blessed to live in a time when the fullness of the gospel is restored!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Farewell Gyeongsan and Hello Goomi
Hello! I have more time than I expected. I am currently on a train from Busan to Goomi. It is in the furthest northern district in our mission. My next companion is Elder Kim. He is 28 years old and only recently started his mission. I will probably only be with him for one transfer before he leaves as he has already been in that area for 3 transfers. I am really excited to serve there. I hear the work is going really well there. I will still be in the same zone. This transfer there were many changes and they will continue as the size of our mission continues to decrees. The last estimate I heard was 69 missionaries to be the plan. When I started we had about 110. Quite the change of things but we are coping.
This week was a pretty sad week. I have been in Gyeongsan for 7 months and it was sad to go. I almost couldn't believe the amount of friends that I had in members, investigators, and random people on the street. A neighbor lady tried for about 10 minutes to give me $100 because that is what Koreans do when they are sad to see people leave. Naturally I couldn't take it but I appreciated the effort. She kept praising my parents for raising me and told me to thank them so, thank you mom and dad. It was sad to go but I like change and I know I will like my next area and companion. Elder Kerrigan and I served together for 3 transfers which will be the most of any of my companions. it was really fun and he is an amazing missionary. I am glad I got that time with him and in that area. I hope that all goes well in America. Don't worry about what you hear on the news. Koreans don't worry about it. They have seen these types of things over and over again.
It is so crazy that Lauren is now in the MTC. I have been telling everyone and their dog. Its pretty cool. I am trying before I leave to have the signs on our churches say "Visitors Welcome." The campaign is going well I think. President told the whole mission that he mentioned it to the area authority and stake presidents but I'm not sure how it will go. It got a few people who knew that I have been pushing it to look at me and laugh. I hope it gets up someday.
Love you all!
This week was a pretty sad week. I have been in Gyeongsan for 7 months and it was sad to go. I almost couldn't believe the amount of friends that I had in members, investigators, and random people on the street. A neighbor lady tried for about 10 minutes to give me $100 because that is what Koreans do when they are sad to see people leave. Naturally I couldn't take it but I appreciated the effort. She kept praising my parents for raising me and told me to thank them so, thank you mom and dad. It was sad to go but I like change and I know I will like my next area and companion. Elder Kerrigan and I served together for 3 transfers which will be the most of any of my companions. it was really fun and he is an amazing missionary. I am glad I got that time with him and in that area. I hope that all goes well in America. Don't worry about what you hear on the news. Koreans don't worry about it. They have seen these types of things over and over again.
It is so crazy that Lauren is now in the MTC. I have been telling everyone and their dog. Its pretty cool. I am trying before I leave to have the signs on our churches say "Visitors Welcome." The campaign is going well I think. President told the whole mission that he mentioned it to the area authority and stake presidents but I'm not sure how it will go. It got a few people who knew that I have been pushing it to look at me and laugh. I hope it gets up someday.
Love you all!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hello! We had a really good week this last week. We were able to complete nearly all of our goals which is a fairly rare thing. We met a few new people and hopefully we can continue meeting. We also had a few stop meeting with us, one is moving to the Philippines.
Our best investigator right now is a 79 year old grandma who has come to church for the last 2 weeks. She is the mother of an active member and is a really fun lady. We as teaching her but she is old so it is taking a little bit to get things across. Luckily the family is full force behind it so they are always willing to help out. She said she plans on going to church every week and has changed because of the example of her daughter and grandchildren. It is amazing what a simple good example will do. She was so proud that her children don't smoke, drink, or swear. Apparently see was very against her daughter joining our church but has only recently had a change of heart.
She will likely be baptized in the near future but I am probably transferring this week. This week I was able to go on splits with Elder Hamilton. It is so interesting to be with him. I thought Koreans were surprised to see me being a white boy but Elder Hamilton is black and Koreans just openly stare. It makes for a good conversation starter. ha. I hope everyone is doing well!
Our best investigator right now is a 79 year old grandma who has come to church for the last 2 weeks. She is the mother of an active member and is a really fun lady. We as teaching her but she is old so it is taking a little bit to get things across. Luckily the family is full force behind it so they are always willing to help out. She said she plans on going to church every week and has changed because of the example of her daughter and grandchildren. It is amazing what a simple good example will do. She was so proud that her children don't smoke, drink, or swear. Apparently see was very against her daughter joining our church but has only recently had a change of heart.
She will likely be baptized in the near future but I am probably transferring this week. This week I was able to go on splits with Elder Hamilton. It is so interesting to be with him. I thought Koreans were surprised to see me being a white boy but Elder Hamilton is black and Koreans just openly stare. It makes for a good conversation starter. ha. I hope everyone is doing well!
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