Wow, transfers are sudden, as usual. On Friday night I got the call and I'm headed to 대구(Taegu) the hottest and coldest place in Korea! "Wahoo!" I left Elder Robb, he will be training this new transfer. I am now with Elder McKenna from Farmington Utah. He is only 2 transfers older than me so I think were both going to learn a lot. Ha. I think it will be good though. When you have to learn Korean I guess you learn it. He is really good at the language but still only 2 transfers ahead. Elder Singleton is going to be in my zone still. The end of the transfer was really good with Elder Robb. It was kind of a bummer to leave because I was just getting close to the ward and "bam," I'm gone.
I have heard only good things about the 대구 (Taegu) ward. Also, our neighboring area has a Costco in it. Sweet! We have about an hour and a half travel time from the mission home up north. It is really far inland, basically the heart. We are going to have a good time I think. I am his first American Junior.
Back with Elder Robb the big thing of the week was Trivia Night. We tried really hard to get people out but the ward was split. Only about half of what we wanted came but it ended up being really fun. Our investigators all came as did a less-active who also came to church two days after that! Those kind of things make it worth it. Korea is awesome, I'm really excited. Thanks for the prayers and support.